
Ekaterinburg puppeteers invite English speakers to the night tour “Golden mask in Puppet theatre”.

Ekaterinburg puppet theatre was the first one who brought to the Ural federal district the “Golden mask” – the main national theatre award. Prize-holder for “The best artist’s work in puppet theatre” was Andrey Efimov with the performance “The pictures from exhibition” (1996). In 2011 award in the same nomination has gone to Émilie Valantin (member of the Legion of Honour) with the performance “Gribul-simpleton and mister Bumblebee” (2010), which is unfortunately not played anymore, on contrast to “The pictures…”

The Night of museums will give you the unique possibility to meet (with a little help from the puppeteers) the puppets by Émilie Valantin, who still “live” here. The exposition in the hall will tell you about the two performances that got the Mask, and the tour to the backstage – about the other two nominated for it (H.C. Andersen’s “Nightingale” and “Bobok” after short stories by Dostoevskiy). The tour will include “the holy of holies”! It is the props room – the treasury where all the puppets of the actual repertoire are kept.

Tours: 19:30 and 20:15 in Russian (max 30 people in each group), 21:15 in English (max 15 people).

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